Initially scour your paperwork and look for anything that stands out.
Retranslate everything via two or three different people, with particular focus on the finding ad.
Follow multiple leads simultaneously instead of following one zealously. One never knows which one will turn up a real “nugget” to pursue.
Ask others in your orphanage yahoo group if anyone else is searching, or if anyone else has the same finding spot story or details. Google Earth is an excellent tool, and if a geographic “pattern” is discovered, your child may have been part of Family Planning incentive or trafficking.
Typically, it is best to avoid using the orphanage director to make contact with any person with whom you plan to talk to during the search.
Relationships are built slowly and THE key to any real information being revealed.
Assume each person that is part of your child’s official story, has something to hide.
You can make contact via the internet with local people of your child’s hometown area possibly and establish relationship over time. WeChat or QQ can be used. A local contact can visit a hospital and ask for records.