文本框: Note:  Most of these resources listed below are written in Mandarin, but with Google Translate or similar online translation tool, one can gain a general sense of the content.

Internet Resources within China

Please keep in mind cultural norms around privacy differ greatly between the West and Eastern cultures, and if one chooses to post personal information to a volunteer organization such as Baby Come Home, or an online resource, the Chinese person may not keep it private, as you might be inclined to do in a similar circumstance.  Hence, be cognizant of the information shared with others via any internet tool is never completely private.  Best of luck to you in the search journey!

Baby Come Home
Website for Chinese families looking for their birth children  

Baidu birth family message boards

China Business Yellow Pages
Business listings including phone and address info for business/government in China

Directory of  SWIs in China
Name, Address, Phone, and Contact Information by Province (in Chinese)

QQ (English registration page)
QQ is the most popular instant messenger in China. 160+ million users